Achieve Your Desired Physique With Best Supplements For Muscle Growth

The muscle-building process requires a good amount of nutrients to convert into lean tissues with the help of strength training. You may consider that this process is much complex and generally takes a good amount of time.

However, the exact number of required diet, exercise, and time needed to build muscles, totally depends on the number of muscles you want to build. It also includes individual factors which define the time required to build good muscles.

Before going into the time and supplements, let's see what it takes to build muscles.

Must Read:

How does a muscle grow?

Our muscle builds when you continuously challenge your muscles to deal with higher levels of resistance or weight. This process is referred to as muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy takes place when the fibers of our muscles get damaged or injured. Then, our body repairs those damaged fibers by fusing them that generally increases the size and mass of our muscles.

Few hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone, & insulin also play a major role in muscle growth.

Muscle Building & Exercise

You can build muscles at different rates depending on your age, sex, and genetics, but the development of muscles significantly increases if your exercise is consistent & challenging for a longer duration.

You may also achieve the best results if you follow an exercise with enough rest.

The best form of exercise for muscle building is strength training, although cardiovascular activities can also be beneficial.

Muscle Building & Strength Training

It generally takes more than a few weeks or even months of consistent exercise before your muscles start to change & become visible.

As per the Physical Activity guidelines, we should engage in strength training that involves all the major muscle groups at least twice a week.

Examples of strength training exercises are :

*- free weight lifting

*- stationary weight machines

*- resistance band exercises

*- pushups and squats

If we look at the effects of resistance training on the conditioning of few people, we may find that resistance training with three weights is generally more effective than performing one set for a longer duration.

Rest & Muscle Building

Taking enough rest plays a crucial role in building muscle. If we are not let each of our muscle groups take a rest, we will reduce our ability to muscle repair. Minimum rest slows the fitness progression and also increases the risk of injury in us.

Getting a good amount of sleep is also necessary for the process of muscle growth. A team of researchers suggested that good sleep increases protein synthesis, contributes to the gain of muscles, and also promotes muscle recovery. However, several other studies are needed to confirm the observation.

Low stress also helps us to build muscle because the hormones that our body releases during stress put a negative impact on the development of muscles.

Diet & Muscle Building

Consuming a balanced and healthy diet is key to stay fit. If you wish to build muscle, protein intake is really important. Health guidelines suggest that males may need 56 grams and females need to consume 46 g of protein every day.

The timing of consuming protein is also important. Nestlé Nutrition Institute has also suggested that an intake of 20 g of dietary protein during or immediately after we have done the exercise, will help to stimulate the muscle protein synthesis that eventually reduces protein breakdown, and helps to promote more effective muscle reconditioning.

Sources of protein include meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, soybeans, tofu, beans, lentils, nuts & seeds, etc.

Supplements for muscle growth :

1. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

Optimum Nutrition is a very renowned and popular company that specializes in series of protein supplements for muscle gain. Gold Standard 100% Whey protein powder is one of their highest quality, best selling products.

It contains Whey Protein Isolates as its main ingredient. Whey Isolate along with whey protein concentrate is guaranteed to give more than 24 grams gram of protein in a single serving.

People can easily mix this supplement with any liquid of their choice either through a shaker or can do it with just a spoon. It is recommended to mix 1 scoop of 100% whey into 6–8 ounces of cold water, milk, or other liquids and have it after your workout. You can also take it regularly. Optimum Nutrition has a wide series of protein supplements for muscle growth but this product is one of its kind.

2. Musclepharm Combat Protein

Former NFL player Brad Pyatt has founded this very reputed company and Combat Protein is their most unique and one of their best-selling protein supplements for muscle growth.

This protein supplement and its whole ingredients are all gluten-free. One serving of this combat protein contains 25 gm of protein. It also consists of milk, soy, and egg. Thus, it is not very much suitable for vegan people or the ones who have any allergy to these ingredients.

Muscelpharm comes under one of the best protein supplements for muscle growth and it is recommended to mix 1 scoop of this product with 8–12 ounces of any required liquid.

3. Treunutrition Soy-Free Whey protein

Soy Free Protein provides essential nutrients that offer you the opportunity to make it your protein supplement.

Being considered among the best protein supplements for muscle growth, it is gluten-free and soy-free. It has no added hormones or antibiotics which makes it more natural. This is suitable for vegetarians and contains over 27 gm of protein in one serving. It also comes in many different flavor options.

Soy-free whey protein powder is one of the most highly reviewed and considered among the best protein supplements for muscle growth.

4. Dymatize ISO-100 Hydrolyzed Protein

This company specializes in most workout supplements. ISO-100 is among their best sellers and comes under the top 5 Protein supplements for muscle growth.

25 g whey protein is present in each serving and it is free and fat-free. Each serving consists of 118 calories when mixed with water. In addition, It is gluten-free and very much suitable for vegans.

It is recommended to consume 1 to 2 servings each day as its 1 scoop with 5–8 ounces of water is considered good to take. It comes 4th in the list of best protein supplements for muscle growth.

5. NitroTech Whey protein

NitroTech Whey protein is a golden ticket for people looking to gain muscles, strength, and who want to increase their performance as well. This can be termed as one of the best protein supplements for muscle growth and can be used for weight loss as well. It has got very good reviews from fellow bodybuilders. This product was created by renowned researchers who wanted to create a product that would provide superior muscle gain and strength-enhancing benefits. These qualities make it able top of the list of best Protein supplements for muscle growth.

MuscleTech Pure Whey Protein being 5th in the list of protein supplements for muscle growth offers 30 gm. of 100% whey protein, containing whey protein peptides and whey protein isolate. It also contains 5 gm. of glutamine, 6.8 gm. of BCAA amino acid, and also a 3 gm. dose of clinically studied creatine monohydrate in each serving.

Conclusion :

Protein powders can not create muscles suddenly and without any practical steps. However, consuming suitable protein supplements for muscle growth may help you to gain muscle mass if you take them as directed and make them a part of a healthful, balanced diet with the exercise regime.
