Bodybuilding is as much about supplementation as it is about exercising. Bodybuilding supplements help in muscle growth, muscle recovery, energy boosting, immunity strengthening, and enhancing overall performance. This blog will specifically focus on vitamins and minerals supplements to be taken by bodybuilders. 

These include-

VITAMIN D: Vitamin D is the highlight of every bodybuilding online store. Vitamin D is often called by the nickname ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it is absorbed via sunlight. Vitamin D is necessary for the maintenance of healthy bones and for protein synthesis. It helps you to stay healthy and strong. Vitamin D promotes nutrient absorption and balances mood, and insulin levels. Vitamin D works best when taken with vitamin K2. Vitamin D helps you to absorb calcium, while vitamin K helps in the proper building of bones. Vitamin K saves calcium from getting stuck in the heart. Thus, it saves you from heart disease.

VITAMIN B2- Vitamin B2 is an energy-boosting supplement. It helps in the production of more energy and helps you have bigger gains at the gym. Vitamin B2 reduces muscle soreness after a strenuous workout. It fastens up the muscle recovery process.

VITAMIN B3- Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin is beneficial for muscle growth. It gives you better pumps. Vitamin B12 helps bodybuilders to get a perfect muscular physique. Vitamin B12 promotes the metabolism of glucose, increases good cholesterol, limits bad cholesterol, and supports healthy hormone production.

VITAMIN B6- Next is vitamin B6. This vitamin helps in muscle building and muscle repair.  Vitamin B6 promotes red blood cell production and healthy levels of nitric oxide. This in turn promotes performance and endurance. People who are vegetarians lack vitamin B6. They must definitely take it through supplements form.

VITAMIN B9- Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid helps in muscle growth. It helps in energy production, and the rebuilding, and repairing of muscle tissues. Vitamin B9 also helps in the growth and synthesis of new cells. It helps in repairing damaged cells and tissues. Vitamin B9 quickly helps you to get back to the gym in no time.

Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells. In turn, these red blood cells help to deliver oxygen to the muscles. Vitamin B12 is also beneficial for muscle growth, which makes it necessary for bodybuilders. This vitamin is often low in vegans because they do not take animal products. Hence, they are more in need of vitamin B12 supplementation.

VITAMIN E- Vitamin E is mostly known for its skin-loving properties. However, it is more than that. Vitamin E slows down aging and also scavenges free radicals that are released after working out. Vitamin E flushes out free radicals through metabolic waste. Thus it reduces the risk and development of chronic diseases.

VITAMIN A- Vitamin A is a beneficial bodybuilding supplement. It helps in protein synthesis and the production of glycogen. Thereby vitamin A keeps you energetic. Vitamin A improves your eyes’ health, fights free radicals, and supports healthy, strong bones.

VITAMIN C- Vitamin C is a highly demanded product in every bodybuilding online store. Vitamin C is the chief immunity booster. It prevents infections, flu, and other diseases. Vitamin C also enhances antioxidant levels. This vitamin helps to repair damaged tissues after exercising. It speeds up the muscle recovery process.

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS- Omega three fatty acids are mainly present in fish oil. It is available in the form of pills and capsules. These fatty acids improve exercise and the nutritional response of skeletal muscles. It decreases post-exercise muscle soreness. Omega three fatty acids also speed up muscle recovery and boost muscle growth. Plus, it offers support to cardiovascular, eyes, joints, brain, and skin health.

