In the world of medications, try switching to supplementation. Health supplements are the one stop solution to maintain fitness inside out. The best health supplements, as available on, contain all the important vitamins, minerals, proteins, and BCAAs required by the consumers.


The best health supplements are not confined to any particular crowd of people, but different sects such as:

·         Pregnant women (one month prior to conception and three months after) as well as those trying to conceive. They especially need folate as it reduces the risk of neural tube defects.

·        All the vegetarian people or those who are on a strict vegan diet+ elderly people who eat less and hence have low absorbing power from their food need iron, and vitamin B12. Both these minerals and are found almost exclusively in animal products.

·         Human beings with an allergy or intolerance such as lactose intolerance need calcium supplement.

·         People suffering from autoimmune disease e.g. Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis or coeliac require supplementation in order to correct any nutrient deficiencies.

·         Everyone who lacks vitamin D probably because they live in colder areas need vitamin D.

·         If you are suffering from liver disease then following a course of antibiotics especially probiotics is good. It is beneficial in restoring gut health after a round of antibiotic treatment.

·         Lastly, anyone who is suffering from hormonal imbalances such as PCOS are recommended supplementation.


best health supplements


Now that we know who needs health supplements the most, let us take a look at the best health supplements that everyone should buy:


Fish oil: Fish oil ranks number one. It is a key health supplement offering a long chain of omega 3 fats. It is a known fact that omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for a healthy heart and brain. Omega acids play an important role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. In this regard, fish oil is the best supplement as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

EPA and DHA cannot be produced in our bodies and so it is essential to receive them via supplementation. Make sure to choose a supplement with a high concentration of EPA and DHA,

Probiotics: Probiotics are actually the good bacterias. They are available in the form of supplements and help to line our digestive tracts. Probiotics support one’s body's ability to absorb nutrients quickly and combat infection. Consuming a probiotic supplement ensures good gut health. Various scientific studies have shown that the health of our gut directly affects our immune system. Hence taking a probiotic on a regular basis, can be a good way to keep your gut healthy and your immune system strong. In fact, some probiotics also help in reducing body weight. Probiotics are available in the form of capsules, drinks, and even powders.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a definite part of the best health supplementsIt is essential for strengthening bones, muscular activities, and overall health. Vitamin D is basically a fat-soluble nutrient and is one of the 24 micronutrients important for the human body. There is an increase in the rate of vitamin D deficiency, especially because of the lack of spending time under the sun. Hence supplementation automatically becomes important.

Magnesium: Magnesium is a crucial nutrient for overall human health. It plays an important part in hundreds of enzymatic bodily reactions. Magnesium manages the metabolism of food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, as well as transmission of nerve impulses. Add to that, magnesium is best taken in the evening for it helps in a better night's sleep and manages stress levels.

Protein: Final on the list of the best health supplements is protein. Protein plays a key role in muscle gain and fat loss. It is the king of nutrients and has been proven to help weight loss. Protein boosts metabolism and reduces hunger pangs.

